Godzilla and Friends

Godzilla and Friends

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lego Ninjago 9450 Epic Dragon Battle Review

 Contents of the box

 Contents of the box with instructions and me

Mini figures of the set
The Ultra Dragon

Here finally is the review from the Epic Dragon Battle from Ninjago. It contains 915 pieces, and costs about $120 and had 9 bags of parts and 3 instruction booklets. Even though the price is hefty, it is worth it! Once you complete building it, it will have a Snake Prison, the Great Devourer Snake and The Ultra Dragon. It is a huge set and is my biggest so far. It took me 3 hours and 30 minutes, including breaks, to build this. Some of the features in this set include opening wings on the Ultra Dragon, swinging tail, saddle for ninja, pose-able heads, and two dragon heads that shoot spheres. The secret to the opening wings is the handle on its back which comes in handy when playing. The Great Devourers features include pose-able tail, opening mouth with space for a mini figure, and fangs that fold in. The Snake Prisons features include space for up to two mini figures up front, a hidden back prison, decorative snake fountain on top, decorative snake heads on sides, swinging open jail door, and dumping snack venom. It includes 7 mini figures from the show including Sensei Wu, Lord Garmadon, and the Green Ninja as well as Acidicus, Skalidor, Jay ZX, and Chokun each with accessories.

Before I even built this set, I knew it would be a great set. I never collected all four of the elemental dragons from 2011, but I knew getting this would be just as good. I had two of the dragons but I never got the other two. I thought the Great Devourer would not be as good but it surprised me with its playability and I thought of all the possibilities to play with it. The Snake Prison was a wonderful addition especially considering it has a Lego spider with it. I had already had two of the snake generals but getting this will almost complete my collection of snake generals (missing Pythor). Jay ZX was a wonderful addition even though he is pretty common, Sensei Wu is a good addition because I needed more of him, and Lord Garmadon was a good addition especially with the four Golden Weapons. The short snake, Chokun, was a good addition because I needed more snakes and enemies, the Green Ninja was a good addition, but what really caught my eye was the Ultra Dragon because of its huge stature and simply because it was a dragon.

Final Thoughts:
Overall an excellent set and I give it a 10/10. Other people might have some complaints but I find none except sometimes the Great Devourer comes apart, its jaw occasionally falls off, and the Ultra Dragons tail sometimes comes off, but are easy fixes and do not annoy me. Overall,l if you have leftover Christmas or birthday money or have an upcoming birthday, you should either buy it or put this on your wish list if you like Legos, Ninjago, dragons or snakes. Overall would recommend it and I hope you have a great day.


  1. Looks great! I can't believe how elaborate Lego sets have become now. Hope you have some awesome battles... I am betting on the Ultra Dragon!

  2. That's amazing, Kaleb! I had no idea that Lego sets were that detailed, and I am so impressed that you put together over 900 pieces so crazy fast!

    ~Tracy Hammons

  3. Awesome article and review! With your great imagination I know you will have
    a blast playing with the set. I loved the lego video and plan to show it to
    Jim tonight...he loves Lord of the Rings.

  4. I give you major props for having the patience for LEGOs. Those things used to drive me crazy as a kid!!!


  5. Kaleb, you are a fantastic writer! Although I don't know much about logos I was entertained reading your review. Graeme loves to build towers with his logos and then knock them over. He thinks that's hilarious. Good thing he won't be able to get close to your logos, he might destroy them ;) We sure miss getting to bring you up a roast. We'll have to make one when we are back in Oklahoma, just to make up for the ones we couldn't get to you! We are always praying for you, tell your mom and dad we said hello.

    1. And I'm sorry my auto correct changed LEGOS to logos! I didn't catch that.

  6. What a set!! It was almost hard to see you in amongst all of the parts.

    That is the 3rd most epic set I've ever seen, but I was just at the LEGO store at Downtown Disney in October. I think London Bridge is 4' long and 4,000 pieces. We'll have to buy that one and do it the next time you're in Florida!

  7. Well done Kaleb, both the blog and the Lego set. I totally enjoyed the dragon but found the snake a bit creepy...but I suppose the bad guys are suppose to be creepy! The jaw falling off was a problem, but you must admit that the ability of the snake to actually chomp on a guy was awesome! Can't wait to see the warrior bike. Hope it is user-friendly and adds to your collection.

