Godzilla and Friends

Godzilla and Friends

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lego Galaxy Squad 70704 Vermin Vaporizer Review

My dad's friends from his college class got me this Lego Galaxy Squad set and I'll be reviewing it today. This set retails for $59.99, has 506 pieces, and has 3 minifigures: an alien buggoid, Chuck Stonebreaker, and a robot sidekick. Now this is currently my only Galaxy Squad set, but it gave me a good first impression. My favorite minifigure is definitely the robot sidekick, he just looks awesome. The set itself has an alien scorpion vehicle, a Galaxy Squad green team buggy, mech, and Vermin Vaporizer. All in all, when complete, it looks really awesome. Although, I should note that it has a LOT of stickers, so younger kids may need help with that. The Lego tires in the set are hard plastic like the other pieces and are not rubber, so that can be a plus or a minus in your opinion. Now onto the other parts of the set:


This set has a lot of play features, like the detachable mech, buggy, and laboratory in the back. When you look in the back (after you detach the mech) there is a little research station or lab back there for the green Galaxy Squad team to study the alien cocoons with, which I thought was a nice touch. The mech is my favorite part of the set, and is extremely posable. Its toes split open for stability, it has 2 flick missiles, and its arms have cannons for hands (they don't actually fire). The robot drives the mech while Chuck drives the buggy. The little buggy can come out via the opening front. The actual battle buggy is the main part of the set and is very cool. It has 2 cannons on the side and 2 flick missiles, as well as an opening cockpit. The alien scorpion vehicle is a nice touch and also has 2 flick missiles and a cannon on the scorpion tail. Look out, long-range stinger!:) Anyhow, this is an excellent set with a LOT of play features. Now onto the ratings!


Overall, a really awesome set and I would totally recommend it to anyone who likes mechs, bugs, green, Galaxy Squad, or a good building set. This set is jam-packed with play features and fun, and people will want to get it for parts, minifigures, or for their kids. Here are the ratings:

Fun 10/10
Features 10/10
Stability 9/10
Awesomeness 10/10

Hope you like my reviews and post your feelings or if you like my reviews in the comments!
To my dad's friends: Thanks a bunch!


The box

The parts and items inside box

Completed set


  1. sounds great Kaleb. This is a good review.

  2. Kaleb ...your writing is awesome! I see a bright future as an executive in advertising or as a journalist. Makes me want to buy Legos!
